

  • 10
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:私营有限责任公司
  • 公司地址: 安徽省 亳州市 利辛县 城关镇 利辛县城关镇建设路东、春店路北
  • 姓名: 闫彬彬
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证未认证 微信已绑定


    亿汇PDM10面粉筛网 110目面粉筛绢

  • 所属行业:过滤 滤网 尼龙滤网
  • 发布日期:2022-12-25
  • 阅读量:336
  • 价格:26.00 元/米 起
  • 产品规格:PDM6-PDM15
  • 产品数量:688888.00 米
  • 包装说明:
  • 发货地址:安徽亳州利辛县城关镇春店社区  
  • 关键词:PDM10面粉筛网,110目面粉筛绢,PDM11面粉筛绢

    亿汇PDM10面粉筛网 110目面粉筛绢详细内容

         国内面粉厂也普遍使用蚕丝网,标注也是引自国外行业规范而来的,“GG”(Grit Gauze)指粗料筛网,意为每一维也纳英寸(约等于1.0375英寸)长度内筛孔数,编织方式为全绞织,“XX”指细料筛网,主要用于粉筛,半绞织方式。 
       后三种方法实际上是材料防静电处理,属*性, **种方法属于表面防静电。
    Silk screen (the screen), is an important auxiliary material flour factory.
    The classification and selection standards, 1 screen
    The screen with the flour mill and divided by material generally have the following:
    Silk screen: by strands of natural silk skein silk, and then woven, is characterized by good elasticity, not easy to loose, hole size, not easy to deformation, with good moisture absorption and desorption, is not easy to generate static electricity etc.. But do not wear, easy pilling.
    Polyamide (nylon) screen by polyamide monofilament fiber woven. Wear resistant, long service life, high strength, comprehensive use of good results.
    Polyester mesh, woven from polyester monofilament. High strength, not easy to deformation, but compared with nylon mesh, wear resistance and antistatic effect is slightly worse.
    Foreign flour factory also has been generally used in the forties of the silk screen until the twentieth century and used, for the time being, grading screen generally have especially sieve number 14-72 (silk), three material sieve silk (No. 7 72), roughly equivalent to the size of the opening of the 1600 - 200um; screen for sifter, standard (code s, 3 - 25s), unblended sieve double and silk (code named x, 4X-17X) silk screen (code named XX, 3-17XX), three material sieve silk (code named XXX, 3XXX-18XXX) several, roughly equivalent to the mesh size of 300 - 60um.
    Domestic flour mill is also commonly used silk net, tagging is a quote from abroad industry norms and, "GG" (grit Gauze) refers to the coarse screen, meaning each Vienna inches (approximately equals 1.0375 inches) within the length of the sieve number, weave patterns woven for the cutter, "XX" refers to the fine material sieve net, mainly used for sifting and half twist weave mode.
    The screen annotation based on metric, such as CB, JQ, JCQ etc. have expressed per centimeter of sieve number, materials with silk, nylon and brocade silkworm intertwined, woven with plain weave, half twist weave, the twist weave and basket weaving.
    With the introduction of powder production line supporting the import nylon mesh material in its long life, good performance began to cause the attention of the personage inside course of study, and directly to the size of the mesh mark and the opening size has been serialized, standardized, standardization, and consider the appellation of the industry and even inertia, respectively to "GG, XXX," correspondence, which "GG" is weave; "XXX" is plain woven enhanced and largest flour mill application of, weave patterns for single and double warp to heavy flat fabric, the generic name: "XX".
    Import screen name "GG, XX, XXX," meaning and the familiar domestic screen, has played a great changes, "XXX" wire diameter thick, long service life, "XX" dimensional stability and effective screen area slightly larger, surface rough degree of high automatic grading effect is good.
    Domestic code "JM" (single and double by to flat fabric), "JMG" (weave), we also launched a PDM "(single and double warp to flat fabric), specifications and import screen have differences, but close.
    The wear-resisting degree: to a large extent determines the service life of the screen, the screen of the same material, the thicker the wire diameter is and the better wear resistance.
    Antistatic property: any flour sieve require antistatic treatment. This is because of the contact and the friction between the fiber and the fiber, the fiber and the material, caused by the charge transfer between the fiber surface, electrostatic phenomena, and the flour particle size is fine, easy to be charge attract caused difficult sieving, even paste.
    Polyester, nylon are to carry out anti-static treatment, generally have the following methods:
    1 surface treatment: the general use of anti - static agent;
    2 polymerization process: in the synthesis of fiber polymerization, the addition of hydrophilic polymer or conductive low molecular polymer;
    3: as in the center of the conductive fiber monofilament carbon or in the whole filament with adding carbon;
    4 the use of high-energy radiation, such as gamma radiation or electron beam radiation fabric, so that the fiber degeneration, improve moisture absorption, increase the anti-static effect.
    The last three methods are in fact the material of anti - static treatment, which is permanent, the first method is the surface anti-static.
    Width: with the development of flour milling and grain technology, especially the emergence of eight roller mill and high yield and high Fangping screen, indeed improve the pulverizing efficiency, capacity increase to create the conditions. So grizzly also along with the corresponding the development direction along the standard type, expansion of large and super large direction development, import screen width also 1.10 meters, 1.36 meters, 1.54 meters (domestic screen width 1.04 - 1.27 m), must be based on different plants mesh criteria to select appropriate width.

    欢迎来到安徽亿汇筛网有限公司网站, 具体地址是安徽省亳州市利辛县利辛县城关镇建设路东、春店路北,老板是徐磊。 主要经营公司生产的产品:网面平整、目孔精确、伸长率低、丝印性能好,主要适用于电子行业、丝绸化纤、陶瓷印花、印制电路板、印花制版、标牌广告、花纸、过滤、箱包、环保等行业。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 500 - 1000 万元。 本司供应印刷网纱,丝印网纱,锦纶筛网,尼龙网纱,蚕丝筛网,尼龙滤网等产品,真正的为客户创造价值、节省费用,实现“设备永续、设备**”!